Norse Tales

Gods and Giants... A story of birth, death, and rebirth...
For the world (order) was created from chaos... And when Ragnarok comes, chaos will prevail and the current order will end... From the chaos, a new order will be reborn… And that’s the story of bi...
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A tale of the day Thor met his archenemy!
A Norse tale of the day when a fishing trip turned into one of the most important events in the Norse mythology!
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The story of Sif and her golden hair
This story has a significant place in Norse mythology because it sheds the light on the character of many Gods and gives us...
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What did Odin sacrifice for his wisdom?
Odin was the God who knew all that happened, was happening, or will ever happen. But do you know what he did sacrifice to get this unparalleled wisdom and knowledge?
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Fenrir - The Wolf Who Would Kill Odin
Fenrir is the most infamous of the many wolves in Norse mythology. He is the son of Loki and his destiny is to kill Odin then be killed by Odin's son.
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