December 02, 2023 2 min read

The Norse people used rune stones as a way to connect with the Gods and Old Spirits. Also, they were used for divination, protection, and healing.

Those powers and properties weren't lost with the Vikings. The ancient wisdom and power of Rune stones is still accessible today and we'll dive into the realm of DIY Viking-inspired crafts, and what better way to start than with a guide on creating your very own stone runes?

Let's kick things off by assembling the essentials. Head to your local craft store or scour your surroundings for small, smooth stones. You'll also need a set of fine-tipped paintbrushes, acrylic paint in earthy tones, and a black permanent marker. Now, familiarize yourself with the runic alphabet. We have explored the meaning of each rune in a previous blog, so take a moment to connect with the symbols that resonate most with you.

Before you unleash your creativity, give your stones a good scrub to ensure a clean canvas. As you clean, think about the stories these stones might tell – imagine the ancient landscapes they've witnessed and the tales they could share.

Once your stones are dry, it's time to bring them to life with color. Use your acrylic paints to add vibrant hues to each stone. Feel free to get experimental – maybe you want a rustic, weathered look or prefer a more polished finish. With your black permanent marker, carefully inscribe the runic symbols onto each stone. Take your time, channel your inner Viking, and embrace the meditative process. Feel the connection to an ancient tradition as you infuse each rune with intention.

You've crafted your own set of stone runes now! To deepen the connection to these ancient symbols, consider charging them with energy. Leave them under the moonlight, visualize your intentions, and allow the stones to absorb the mystical vibes of the universe.

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