March 25, 2021 1 min read

Odin is the wisest of all the Norse Gods. However, The price for his wisdom was very high.

Odin knew the value of True Wisdom and he was prepared to sacrifice anything to obtain it.

Odin lived in Asgard, home of the Norse Gods, and like other Gods (Thor for example), Odin didn't stay all the time there. He used to go on long journeys seeking wisdom and discovering the worlds.

In one of his journeys, Odin arrived to Mimir's Well (called the Well of Urd) which is located amongst the roots of Yggdrasil (the Tree of Life).

On the edge of the well dwelled Mimir, whose wisdom and knowledge of all things was unparalleled in the nine worlds. This wisdom came from the well, whose water was magical.

When Odin arrived, he wanted to drink from the well. Mimir, knowing the value of the water, rejected the request. He wanted Odin to make a sacrifice.

He asked for something very important and meaningful. He asked for Odin's eye!

Without much hesitation, the Allfather Odin gouged out one of his eyes and dropped it into the well.

Having made the necessary sacrifice, Mimir dipped his horn into the well and offered the now-one-eyed god a drink.

Since then, Odin became the God with the unparalleled wisdom and knowledge.

He knew all that happened, is happening, or will ever happen.

Discover our collection of Norse treasures related to the Allfather Odin and the Runes:

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